Friday, April 18, 2008

April 18 - part 2

Well, here we are at 2 and 2. The protest we lodged wasn't successful - but at least they listened to us. They said on balance that it could have been them and could have been us, so they were ruling for themselves. But again, at least they listened.

Our third match was perfect again - won by a comfortable margin. The fourth, mechanical difficulties. One of the wires fell off the controller, and in order to make the shooter work, the drive team had to make the connection manually. As I type, the pit crew is busy soldering the wires back together.

In spite of the 2 and 2 record, we are ranked 23rd in the division - not bad, actually, considering. One more match today, close to 5 pm.

It's chaos, and I am going deaf from the noise!

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