Saturday, April 19, 2008

Pictures from April 19

Pictures from April 18

April 19 - part 2

So much action in the meanwhile!

We were picked first by the 5th seeded team to be in their alliance for the quarterfinals. First match was close, against very powerful opponents - one of whom was assigned to do nothing other than block our bot. Lost that one by a close margin.

Second quarterfinal match was not a happy one - one of our alliance partners went into a corner about a minute into the match and never came out. No word on why, but they were dead as the proverbial doornail. Both remaining teams performed strongly but unfortunately to no avail. As a result of that match, we have been eliminated from the finals.

Great driving and teamwork by our guys - I think they have lots of reason to be pleased with their performance. Of course, we would have liked to have finished higher - but there's always next year!

Thanks to our sponsors, the mentors, the parents, and CHA and Springside for all their support during the year. The team couldn't do it without you!

For more information see

April 19 - part 1

wowowowowow! 2 consecutive wins this morning - in 21st place! Alliance pairings are at 11:50, and the morning's matches are almost finished. We're off selling ourselves at the moment to potential partners.

The first match was almost a repeat of one of yesterday's less fortunate results. We had partners who could not score or manueuver well. BUT Vulcan bot came through - scoring almost all of the points in the match and winning it for the alliance!

Second match was a squeaker - we won it by 4 points, again scoring most of the points for the alliance.

Need to run - off to the pairings - more later!

Friday, April 18, 2008

April 18 - part 3

Oh the horror! the inhumanity! And the random nature of FIRST competition which assigned us a partner who managed to crash both its alliance partners in auton mode, and then hang itself up on the overhead bars, contributing nothing to the match. It was a blowout - the good news was that of the 56 points scored by our alliance, CHA scored at least 50 of them. Imagine what we would have done without a crash test dummy as a partner?

So the day ends with us with a 2 - 3 record. Hope for better luck tomorrow, and that we are scouted by lots of successful teams.

April 18 - part 2

Well, here we are at 2 and 2. The protest we lodged wasn't successful - but at least they listened to us. They said on balance that it could have been them and could have been us, so they were ruling for themselves. But again, at least they listened.

Our third match was perfect again - won by a comfortable margin. The fourth, mechanical difficulties. One of the wires fell off the controller, and in order to make the shooter work, the drive team had to make the connection manually. As I type, the pit crew is busy soldering the wires back together.

In spite of the 2 and 2 record, we are ranked 23rd in the division - not bad, actually, considering. One more match today, close to 5 pm.

It's chaos, and I am going deaf from the noise!

First day of competition - April 18 - part 1

Well, on this first day of competition, they have cranked up the volume and the competition. Today makes yesterday look like a lazy day!

We've finished 2 matches so far, with 3 left to go today. The first match was an incredible win – high score for the day, with everything going our way. In auton mode, we managed a high in points, lapping the field twice and knocking two balls off the overhead track. The drive team performed flawlessly again.

The second match didn't have such a happy result – we again performed well in auton mode, and then the power to our station went out … literally. The drive team was stunned to find there was no power coming to the controls at all, and our bot was left sitting in a corner while the other two teams on the alliance tried to make up the points – to no avail. After the match, the team tested the bot and there was nothing wrong. What appears to have happened is that the control booth accidentally cut off power to our drive station – as I write this Peter Randall is waiting for the judges to come to the pits to adjudicate.

Three more matches today – at 1:36, 3:06 and 4:54, then a team picture and FIRST outing to the aquarium. I will try to post the results of the afternoon matches as early as I can, but may not make it to a computer again until after 9 tonight.